Friday, October 21, 2011

Last night..

 ..I had a dream that I moved to beautifully warm Phoenix to stay at my dad's, ate alot of Venezia's as soon as I got there and then went to Tempe Park. I woke up, realized I was still in Florida, got bummed and went back to bed.

And then I dreamed that all my teeth were rotting and falling out of my face because I was only eating fruits and vegetables. I had to wash my teeth with baking soda and toothpaste to keep them from falling out. It was scary.

Although Florida's still all sunny, it's been getting kinda chilly lately and when it rains it gets even chillier. Last night it was so cold so I ended up sleeping all huddled up under a blanket, in jeans and a hoodie. I froze. So today I'm pulling out this baby!
It's a Heat Rave!! Keeps me from turning into a Lorena popsicle.

It's only going to be 74 today!

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