Friday, May 9, 2014

Another rad afternoon

It was a pretty rad afternoon. Pretty much like everyday, but different things were done. Chase had a final in the morning so I went to art school with Chrissie. The art rooms are cool and they even have a little art exhibition. Pretty rad, pretty rad. While waiting for Chase to get done with her final, we went to Tempe Marketplace to look for shorts for Chrissie. We found hats instead.
You have to be choosy when picking out a hat. Kinda like when picking out a boy.

At one point in the day, we didn't know what we were doing because plans got changed at the last minute. (*cough cough*) Chrissie, Chase and I ended up taking a ride in Bruce (the stang) and heading to Tempe park. We sung many songs and had a blast, both at the park and in the car. I've never really liked Tempe park. I feel like it's big and intimidating and at times there can be a lot of people that just kinda stare. Anyway, it was a blast. I met a friendly fellow skater, it wasn't packed and it was smaller than I remember. 

Gettin' it!

Tempe park!

After skating, Laila (head roomie) cooked us all dinner and dessert. It was delicious. Spaghetti squash, sauces, bread, and homemade chocolate donuts with sprinkles. So good!

Celebratory homemade, chocolate, sprinkly donuts!! OMG!

As we tried to insta the donuts, Chase came out in a towel. My camera was ready. Sorry Chase!

Also, 'Brink.' Need I say more? We watched it tonight. I used to have a huge crush on the main guy and this movie actually made me want to rollerblade. Which I did. Terribly.

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