Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Late post

     So this is a late post of my last couple days in Arizona. I can't wait to go back. Florida is still Florida. Don't get me wrong..it's not that Florida isn't pretty or a good place to live. It is. It has the ocean, and gorgeous green trees, amazing birds walking around everywhere, pretty sunsets and sunrises. But, I love Arizona. There is just something about that dry desert heat that makes me long to go back.

     Anyway, back in Florida, working hard and saving up. Not only have I been busy working, applying for an additional job and applying for school in Arizona, but I also somehow forgot, in three weeks, what it was like to have people depend on you to do things for them and with them. The humidity's starting back up. Since moving here about four years ago, I've never had to spend a summer in Florida. I've always been in California at camp. Sadly, this year that won't be a thing. I hear it rains everyday. So far, since coming back from Arizona, it's rained once. I'm not really looking forward to the rain. I'm not a huge fan of hot, wet days. Maybe I'll get used to it though. 

So here are a few pictures of the last couple days in Arizona. 
Got to go to Portillo's.

Remember Chicago dogs? Yup. Still a fan. Hot dogs in general.

Chrissie and her steak sandwich. I think I captured the moment perfectly.

Mo likes food, too. 

Roger! I got to go to a video premiere while here and my friend Roger was in it! His part was great!

I got to skate in a parking garage one day. This was the sunday before I came back to Florida. It was so hot. Over a hundred degrees and it was only 10 am.

Also went to Tempe III, this little pre-fab park. It's kinda fun. Not my favorite. The ground is super slippery but I've been told that once I move out there I'll get used to it and end up loving it. Let's hope!
On the same Sunday as the parking garage and Tempe III, there was an Askate event held at AZ grind in Mesa. Askate is a skate event held to help kids with autism learn how to skate. I went to one of their events in Orlando last year and it was a blast. A couple months before the Orlando event I had knee surgery so I couldn't help kids skate. This time I got to help Chase's little sister. It was so much fun and so many volunteers came to help. If you ever get a chance, go volunteer. So worth it. 

This is was the morning before I left Arizona. We hiked up A mountain, grabbed breakfast, visited Old Town Scottsdale, and grabbed italian ices at Joe's before my flight that day. It pays to get up early.
Chase was a little tough to get up that morning. 

The Concorda Cottage. Miss you! I woke up pretty early to get one last good view of a lot of the stuff I knew I'd miss.

Miss you, Bruce!

Miss you, Bug!

Us at the top of A.

Someone lost their trash...

Such a pretty view. That big body of water is Tempe Town lake. 

After hiking up A, my calves were on fire. I really think that once I move to Arizona, I'll have calves of steel as long as I go hiking every once in a while. We had breakfast at Scrambled in Scottsdale and then headed over to this cool Mexican Imports store in old town Scottsdale. I got this cool pastel colored blanket, postcards and a couple of kokopelli mug rugs. 
Awesome store.

Have you ever seen the movie "Big?" This guy reminded me of that movie. He's right outside the mexican imports store.

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