Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Monday is a day off

Monday...usually people don't like them. I, on the other hand, am beginning to really like Mondays. My dad doesn't work, I don't have a steady job yet so we got to hang out as a family. This was my first monday in a very long time where I didn't have school or homework or have something that I needed to get done. It was really nice to just be able to be present and do things with my parents. 

My mom's car needed a few parts so we got up relatively early and headed to the junk yard. I really like the junk yard. It's amazing to see all theses broken down vehicles and think that these were once in someone's garage or on the road. Some of these probably had names at one point. If you looked around the junkyard and picked parts from a bunch of different cars, you could probably get some of these to work. So much waste. So much oil and grease.

 My mom's first time at the junk yard. She wasn't too stoked on it. I guess it didn't really help that it was really hot out. Here she is trying to catch some shade. 

 I found a trunk..

We found a few of the parts we needed. After a few hours of walking around in the soupy air, we were famished. We headed to golden corral. I think it was the first time in a long time we were able to go out as a family. It was cool. It brought back nice memories. 
 So much for eating healthy. Also, fried okra...real good!

 Pretty much sums up their relationship

While we were at Golden Corral it rained. My dog is terrified of rain and thunder and she always looks for a way to get under something or behind something. We always leave the back door open for her so she doesn't pee or poo in the house. It might not have been the best idea on that day. We were all food drunk and half asleep when we got home and realized that she was nowhere to be found. We split up, got into separate cars, and started around the neighborhood looking for her. It turned out that she ran to the house that she always runs to when she's scared of the rain. This one pretty much sums up their relationship. I missed them.

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