Thursday, May 8, 2014

Arizona update

Well, Arizona is still Arizona. Lovely. Warm. Great. 

Laila was going I give Popeye a shower and ended up not being able to because the drain was slightly clogged. With hair. Ew. But I thought this picture was funny.

We went to Freddy's last night. Now, for those of you that know me, you maybe know how I feel about eating meat..Well, I had a steak burger and a Chicago dog. It was gooooood. I haven't had a hot dog in like four years. It was tasty. 

We also went to Tempe town lake. Chase, Chrissie and I took my board and took turns skating around. It was a fun, mellow night.

This morning Chrissie and I went to ASU to finish this project she had to do...

 This is the lithography room. Coooool!

Summer exhibition artsy stuff.

Chrissie's a model.

Also, I'm part of the Concorda Cottage fam bam. So that's cool. 

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