Tuesday, May 13, 2014

So, Arizona...still great! I feel like such a chump for updating my blog all the time saying how great Arizona is, but it's true. The weather, the people, the skateparks, everything. Great. All the time.
Outdoor breakfasts are the best!

The other day, Chase and I went to this little neighborhood here in Tempe called 'Maple Ash.' We went to look for Chase's kitty which we didn't end up finding. But we did see a bunch of adorable little houses and cute yards. I believed Chase when she told me that it was a really pretty neighborhood but in my head I pictured it differently. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it with my own eyeballs. It's my type of pretty. Not huge house, green lawn pretty. (look at the pictures!)

 Even the alleys are cute!

Flying shoes?

Look at that adorable house!

I really wanted to like these oranges. I picked two, tried both, both were extraordinarily sour. I think I need to wait a couple days to pick some...

So many flowers!

I'm pretty sure there are more citrus trees here, in the dessert, than in Florida. 

Patrick sidewalk doodle.

Oooo pretty!

I want a cute little house like this someday.

     Last Friday, Laila, Popeye and I went and camped at the Lost Dutchman state park in the Superstition mountains. It was really rad. It was my first Arizona camping adventure so I can now check that off my bucket list. It was one of those not so hot Arizona days where you weren't dying of sweat. It was nice. We got there, checked out our campground, walked around a bit, ya know..lay of the land stuff...collected firewood, and built a fire. Our ancestors would've been very proud! We were proud! It was kind of tough to keep it going at first due to the fact that we didn't get enough of the big logs. We had delicious turkey/apple sausages for dinner (i know, i know..meat) and s'mores for dessert. Eventually, when it got a little later and dark and the fire died down, we went to bed. In the car. So i guess you could say it wasn't authentic camping but it's close enough.
     In the morning, we got up early enough to watch the sun rise over the mountains. It was beautiful. I usually wake up early enough to watch the sunrise through the window of the living room, but watching it rise while being outside was amazing. Really peaceful, a really great time to just think.
     After the sunrise, washing up a bit, and munching on an apple, we started our hike. It sort of got tougher as you went higher, but not so hard that I wanted to quit hiking. It took us about three hours to complete and was a pretty good reminder of how out of shape I am. Yesterday I was definitely feeling it in the bum.
 Laila and Popeye looking at the view.

Really just amazing. It looks like a painting.

Dinner time!


The mountains just got redder and redder as the sun set.

So many cacti!

Pretty sunset? Check!


Look at those s'more making skills!

Laila is a master s'more maker and eater.

As the fire died down, I admired the dance it was doing. 

I call this move the 'T'

Look at that sunrise!

I'm not sure if I knew this picture was being taken. Sure, I'm looking at the camera, but I wasn't really paying attention. Thanks anyway, Laila!

So you know how a couple days ago I posted about a steak burger and a chicago dog, and camping I had a hot dog...Well, I think I'm back on the meat? I don't know for sure if it'll last but I think as long as I'm in Arizona it's kind of going to be a thing. 

 I bought this the other day..just thought it looked really tasty.

It was. I love rooftop meals. Getting down I lost the fork in the neighbor's yard. You're welcome neighbors! Sorry Laila!

Rooftop sunset.

The other day I went to skate in a bank parking lot. It was fun. This was my ride. Xzibit, pimp my ride!

I think that for the past two weekends I've gone to clubs on Mill and this bar called Casey Moore's with my over 21 pals/roomies. It's fun. People get pretty drunk and silly and dancey and loud. I think that maybe if I lived here it would be a once in a blue moon kinda thing, but for now it's cool to have something to do on the weekends.
 This is cue club. Obviously they have pool tables. 

What's better than a late night slice of pizza?! Not much. Sorry Venezia's...I cheated on you with Slices.

Now for the more recent shenanigans...

This was last night at Cornish. Cornish is this place that serves pastys. (For my hispanic friends thats kind of like an empanada. Italian/italian loving friends - a calzone.) Pretty tasty! This was our second time there. Only two of us got food and it was a blast. I saw and got to catch up with two friends I hadn't seen in a while. (future post to come) The boys working at the bar were very cute. We left them a note and numbers. And by we, I mean Mo, Chase and Chrissie. Mo got a text from a very cute bbm. (possible post to come?)

Now for today...
Today my buddy Chase was out of town so I got to borrow her little green bug and drive myself around town. I went to Tempe Park and the Wedge without using a map. I'm pretty sure I am now officially a local! I did get lost at one point but I was able to find my way back pretty easily. I didn't realize Hayden was the same as McClintock and ended up getting on the Pima freeway. But I found my way back. Without a map! Can I say without a map once more? Without a map!
 Tempe Park! Like I said in a previous post, it's starting to grow on me. 

 The Wedge! This is my favorite part of the park. Is it part of the park? I don't know but I like it. 

This was my view while driving around town. I know, I know..short.

 Laila made pizza for our monday pizza meal. Because pizza Monday is a thing now.

Also, Laila said it's okay to skate in her house, so we're setting up a street course. 

To be continued...

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