Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Away We Go

I just finished watching this. It was really good. My favorite lines: "I think w might be fuck ups." and "It's like an oven. No, no, I mean, literally, like an oven. Like if you were in an oven, that's what it would be like. It's almost like God's trying to melt us all down and make something better." It was really funny. It wasn't sappy. Which is good. I wasn't in the mood for a sappy movie today.

Back on raw..

Today I started my raw ways again. Pretty soon I'll be starting my green juices again. I'm excited! I notice I always start feeling good when I start eating alot of fruit and veggies. And...I start losing weight! I gained alot when I was at camp for the summer and I'm excited and anxious to lose it all.

Babe Status

I was going through my old phone erasing texts from this summer and found this one. It kept me laughing all day! I don't even know what I ended up texting back. It was probably something along the lines of "What?! Where?!"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Y r texbuks zooo expen$ivv??

Universal City Walk and Birthdays

I went to Universal City Walk today. It was fun! It was also hot, humid, and rainy... But it was fun! It was also my cousin's birthday, so we celebrated at Red Lobster. I had to give up my vegetarian ways once again!  Pretty cool day!

Hard Rock cafe pink convertible.

Cool license plates?

It was my cousin's birthday today. The big 15! Congrats!

The Ultimate Feast. I remember the first time I got this. My family's been going to Red Lobster for so many years. It is pretty much the restaurant of choice whenever there's a special occasion. I was pretty little when I first ordered it and the waiter was sure I wouldn't be able to finish it. It has a lobster tail, breaded shrimp, shrimp scampi, french fries, and lobster legs. I finished the whole thing! He was surprised. Everytime we go I order the same thing. They used to give me apple sauce instead of a salad, but they no longer serve apple sauce. I remember being super bummed when they took away the apple sauce.

My aunt's a spaz! I love her though!

This squirrel was awesome. He wasn't afraid of people at all. He went up to us and took food out of our hands!

In other news...I got my old phone back. I switched to t-mobile last august and used to pay 20 cents a text. After paying a rediculous amount for my phone bill this month, I got on my aunts plan. I'm back with good ol' Verizon and only paying 10 bucks a month.
Coolest phone ever!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The night I left Arizona, Blue, Sarah, Roger and I went and checked out Triangle ledge.

Skewl wuz zoooo much phun!

It really was! I'm taking Comp I, Speech and Sociology. I'm also taking US Gov, but that's online so it hasn't begun yet. My teachers are pretty cool. Comp I will probably be my easiest class, Speech is going to kill me and Sociology will probably be the most interesting. My sociology professor is gay, has traveled all around the world and is taking us to a nudist community, not to far from my house, as a field trip before the end of the semester. Kids are nice and my classes are all pretty close to each other. I still haven't bought my books and am dreading the thought of how much they are going to be. I heard one of the books was about $120. Sucks!
Today I did everything I planned on doing. I didn't have much homework. Just to write a bit on a discussion board. Piece of cake! I finished my book and finished unpacking. I have no idea what I'll do tomorrow. I don't have school. My cousin's in town. I might go to Universal Studios, although I am honestly dreading being outside in this humidity. At night it's not the end of the world, but during the day I feel like I'm going insane!
What kind of idiot picks a class at 7:30 in the morning when they have a hard time waking up early? This kid right here. It's going to be a long semester.

M. Ward - To Go Home

I've been listening to M. Ward alot lately. I had this song on repeat for my 2 hour layover this weekend.
I kinda did everything I wanted to do to a certain extent today. Not really. It was a pretty slow day. And it rained. And it was humid. And hot. And it kinda sucked. Can I please go back to Arizona now?
Today I:
1. Woke up at noon
2. Got school supplies and went grocery shopping for veggies and fruit
3. Cleaned the virus off one of my computers.
4. Applied for a few jobs
5. Got my books ready for school
6. Kept reading For One More Day
7. I've been iPod partying all day!
8. Bed pretty soon

Tomorrow I'll probably:
1. Wake up early
2. Go to school. I only have three classes!!
3. Finish unpacking my stuff? Maybe I'll just keep it all packed for next summer?!
4. Clean my room.
5. Do homework if I have any.
6. Apply for more jobs.
7. Finish reading For One More Day
8. Bike Ride?
9. iPod party?

School's probably going to be okay. I don't expect much. I've already been to college and it's not that different from high school except for the fact that your school day ends up being three hours long. I'm excited, but dreading it at the same time. At least it'll give me something to do all day! I hope I find a jobby soon. I need one. I'm really broke. I don't even want to spend money on anything right now, I just want to save it until I can take a trip somewhere (most likely back to Arizona) or use it to start paying off my loan. Dumb loans!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes - Home

Home is wherever there is you.

Today I hope to:

1. Wake up early-ish and shower and stuff
2. Take my computer somewhere so they can remove the virus and get a new battery
3. Get school supplies
4. Return some stuff to the library
5. Go grocery shopping for veggies and fruit
6. Start looking for a job
7. Finish reading For One More Day
8. Ipod party!
9. Bed

I'll let you know how it goes!

After camp,

I stopped by Arizona for a week just to visit, eat good pizza, and skate. I had a blast. I crashed at my friend, Joey's, apartment for the week. I ate at Venezia's pretty much everyday. It was really hot, but it was awesome. I loved it there, just as I had the first time I went. I can't wait to go back! The week ended up going by really quick. Here's a few snapshots of stuff that week.

On the drive from Woodward to AZ we saw the windmills. They were pretty cool.

Tempe 3. This is such a fun skatepark!

 The pool at Joey's!

Joey's place in Tempe, AZ.

Food City was right across the street. They have really good, cheap donuts in the morning.

Ciggy receptacle.

Hangout outside the apartment was always fun. Good conversations went down here with my new friend Nadine.

Did laundry early Thursday morning, before picking Sarah up from the airport.

They use cards here instead of coins!

I was easily entertained by watching my clothes dry.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ed Masuga - Arizona

This song makes me want to cry. But I won't...Cause I'm all cried out for now.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

On Saturday I'll be home, start eating healthy and get skinny again (hopefully for good this time), soooo for now I'm just not going to give a chit and I'm going to eat the crappiest, most unhealthy food I can find!! I DGAF for the next 48 hours!!!

Stuff I hope to accomplish today:

I decided I'm going to try to do this almost everyday as long as this thing is running. I bet no one reads it anyway, so it's kinda just a motivator kind of thing so I don't jut flOat around aimlessly all day. A planner of sorts I guess. I will:

Ok! Hold on! Maybe I should write about what I accomplished yesterday. Sounds good! Ok I was able to:
1. Wake up at noon and shower.
2. Figured out how to take the bus.
3. Bought a day pass and went to Barnes and Noble.
4. Bought and read Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, a book that I've heard alot of good things about recently. It ended up being a great book with alot of good insight about life and stuff. Super good! Read it!
5. Took the bus to venezia's and learned alot more about the bus routes. (I ended up getting off at a couple wrong stops and had to walk a bit.)
6. Took the bus back home and read some more of my book.
7. Skated Tempe 3 with a whole bunch of awesome dudes. Uh-oh! Here we go with the name dropping: Roger, kryger, milic, jmod, Cody bear, and a whole bunch of other amazing skateboarders were there!!(I ended up watching more than skating.)It was super fun!
8. Went home and finished my book.
9. Accompanied a couple of over-age bmxers in the wee hours of the morning to get "juice boxes."
10.Stopped at Filiberto's for a very early breakfast.
11.Went home, raged/am raging, maybe I'll go to sleep soon. Maybe I won't. Who knows?!
12.iPod party is sure to happen!!

Back to today:
1. Wake up at 7 am-ish and shower and stuff.
2. Do laundry.
3. Pick up Sarah.
4. Venezia's for an early lunch?
5. Figure out what I'm going to do all day.
6. Skate somewhere.
7. Venezia's for dinner.
8. Go home and rage?

Today is really up in the air! Who knows what the day will bring?!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

An ideal Wednesday..

1. Wake up early (7am-ish) and shower and stuff.
2. Skate Tempe 3.
3. Either walk or take the bus to the bookstore.
4. Buy a book.
5. Read the book for as long as possible.
6. Walk or take the bus to venezia's for breakfast/lunch.
7. Go home and keep reading. Maybe take a nap.
8. Skate Tempe 3.
9. Eat dinner somewhere. Maybe venezia's again.
10.Go home, maybe finish the book.
11.iPod party.

Will all of this happen tomorrow? Most likely not. Will some of it happen. Maybe. I hope so.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's 2:08 am...

And I can't sleep!!! All my body wants to do is move around. Maybe it's too hot. Fudge! Someone please come knock me out, so I can fall asleep.

Monday, August 22, 2011

As much as I want to stay here and live here and move here, I actually want to go home (just for a day though), and that surprises me. I am mentally ready to go back to school. I want to make something other that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I want my green juices again. I want salads and a blender. I want to lose all the weight I gained at camp and get healthy again. I want to go on long bike rides just to get pizza. I want to be able to be completely alone in my room, listening to music for just a day. I kinda even miss my family. I know as soon as I leave here none of these things will matter anymore and I'll want to come back, but for the first time ever I am actually a little homesick. Maybe I am human?! Someday...someday soon, I won't miss all these things, because I'll be where I want to be and have all the things I want right there.

Loading up on essentials!

I went to Target with Roger today to search for school supplies.

Rubber band ball anyone?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Camp is almost over...

It's hard to believe that I will soon be back in the real world, going to school, finding a job, doing things I don't want to do and spending time with people I would much rather not spend time with. I don't want camp to end. Life here is easy. I wake up, hang out with a whole bunch of cool kids all day, and skate as much as I want. It's great. I don't have to worry about what or when i'll be eating. I don't have to worry about how i'll be getting to work or where i'll be sleeping or how i'll be paying for anything. After living this way for three months, it seems insane to have to live any other way. Leaving the people and places you love is always hard and it won't be any easier this time around.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

"You can be a lovely person without brains, absolutely lovely. Kindness - that simple word. To be kind - it covers everything, to my mind.
If you're kind that's it."
The Price of Debauchery by Roald Dahl

My mother said,"There are no joys
In ever kissing silly boys.
Just one small kiss and one small squeeze
Can land you with some foul disease."

"But Mum, d'you mean from just a kiss?"

"You know quite well my meaning, miss."

Last week when coming home from school
I clean forgot Mum's golden rule.
I let Tom Young, that handsome louse,
Steal one small kiss behind my house.

Oh, woe is me! I've paid the price!
I should have listened to advise.
My mum was right one hundredfold!
I've caught Tom's horrid runny cold!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Denny's dinner.


Huntington this past week was super fun, but I was happy to be back at camp. I missed it for sure. I took a couple pictures on our trip and here are a few of those. 
One of the evenings we were in Huntington there was a street fair. There were so many people! There were a couple people playing music and a whole bunch of vendors, a whole bunch of which were food vendors. It was fun.

Cassandra is SUPER excited for funnel cake! Can you tell?

Little concert on main street.

Giant air slides!! 

This guy was sooo good! I kinda wanted to buy one of his CD's.

View of the Coastal carnage bowl from VIP!!

My Red Bull supply for the rest of summer.

The rest of these are from the drive back home. We had In n Out on the way back. It was delicious. 
Huge gorilla balloon.

Tyler 1 driving home.

Tyler 2 not driving home.

Cassandra hiding/sleeping.

Shaky sunset.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This trip to the U.S. Open has been the best. I don't even feel like I'm working all day. The food is really good, the weather is amazing, and the beach is AWESOME!! I get to wake up early and go running with being afraid of getting attacked by racoons. I get to watch skateboarding from amazing skateboarders everyday in one of the coolest looking bowls!! It's awesome!! Only complaint...the beds are way too soft. The floor might just end up being my bed for the remainder of the week. 

First concert!! I have no idea what band it was, but it was cool. They were playing Beach Boy songs. MGMT is playing on Saturday and I am soooo psyched!!

Cutest kids EVER!!! Watching them skate made my day!

This trip is perfect for loading up on snacks!!

I went to Harbor House Cafe with Mo for dinner yesterday. It was so good!! I had four blueberry-banana pancakes! They were delicious!! And big!! and they gave me a mini apple on the side!!

I also got a YUJJJJ strawberry milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry!! Thank you Woodward!!