Monday, August 22, 2011

As much as I want to stay here and live here and move here, I actually want to go home (just for a day though), and that surprises me. I am mentally ready to go back to school. I want to make something other that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I want my green juices again. I want salads and a blender. I want to lose all the weight I gained at camp and get healthy again. I want to go on long bike rides just to get pizza. I want to be able to be completely alone in my room, listening to music for just a day. I kinda even miss my family. I know as soon as I leave here none of these things will matter anymore and I'll want to come back, but for the first time ever I am actually a little homesick. Maybe I am human?! Someday...someday soon, I won't miss all these things, because I'll be where I want to be and have all the things I want right there.

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