Sunday, August 28, 2011

After camp,

I stopped by Arizona for a week just to visit, eat good pizza, and skate. I had a blast. I crashed at my friend, Joey's, apartment for the week. I ate at Venezia's pretty much everyday. It was really hot, but it was awesome. I loved it there, just as I had the first time I went. I can't wait to go back! The week ended up going by really quick. Here's a few snapshots of stuff that week.

On the drive from Woodward to AZ we saw the windmills. They were pretty cool.

Tempe 3. This is such a fun skatepark!

 The pool at Joey's!

Joey's place in Tempe, AZ.

Food City was right across the street. They have really good, cheap donuts in the morning.

Ciggy receptacle.

Hangout outside the apartment was always fun. Good conversations went down here with my new friend Nadine.

Did laundry early Thursday morning, before picking Sarah up from the airport.

They use cards here instead of coins!

I was easily entertained by watching my clothes dry.

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