Wednesday, September 7, 2011

7:30 AM class!?

Yesterday I slept a total of 10 minutes. 10!! I didn't sleep! It wasn't that I didn't want to. I couldn't. All I did was stare into the darkness thinking about stuff. I got up at 6 thinking about what a fool I was to pick such an early class. Before I picked it I told myself, "the earlier I get in, the earlier I get out." What a dummy. Aparently I didn't remember what happened last time I picked such an early class! Last time I picked a 7 AM class, I ended up not going half the time. Attendance killed my grade. Oh well. Endure to the end! 13 weeks to go!
Now I'm off to Whole Foods to do groceries and then off to Vans til 10 tonight. I'll probably fall asleep in some corner at Vans. Bring me a blanket!

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