Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I miss Woodward!!

Bahh! I miss Woodward! I miss skating down to camp in the mornings. I miss skating pretty much whenever I wanted to. I miss the kids! I miss the people that worked there. I miss going into the office and asking if I got mail. I miss doing laundry in town. I miss Cookies and Karaoke. I miss Smores. I miss late night Denny's and Swell Taco trips. I miss hanging out til 2 in the morning up at hilltop. I miss Little Caesers. I miss hanging out with counselors on Sundays for porch duty. I miss going to socials. I miss bike rides to the gas station. I miss driving a car full of drunk people into town. I miss grilled cheese sandwiches on Monday and Mac and Cheese on Tuesdays and baked ziti  and cookies on Thursdays! I miss OSIing. I miss hanging out in the shop. I miss staying in the hangar til midnight. I miss stealing ice from the trainers. I miss jumping on the trampolines. I miss my bunk! I miss milkshakes. I miss always having someone to hang out with.

I miss getting into dryers!!

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