Sunday, September 25, 2011


I've been cooking alot the last few days! I've made cookies, pizza, apple pie and a whole bunch of other stuff. I don't know what's gotten into me. I think I just go through phases. I made a couple of pizzas. I made the dough last night so it would be ready in time for lunch today. I made a little spinach and cheese one and a big half cheese, half pepperoni pizza. THEY WERE ZOOOOO GOOD!!! Especially the spinach and cheese one! Holy moly it was good! I was a dummy and decided I didn't want to wait for it to cool down and ate a slice of pizza fresh out of the oven. Turns out boiling, hot cheese can burn your mouth really bad. Who knew?! The roof of my mouth got super burnt and even peeled. I'm still in pain!! Next time I'll wait a little longer before I try to eat boiling cheese! I made more dough tonight, so tomorrow there'll be MORE pizza and spaghetti and chicken parm for the fam.

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