Thursday, September 22, 2011

Disney for my 21st

It was my birthday a few days ago and I went to Disney World for the day. I went with my brother and my cousin. Since my aunt and uncle work there, we got in for free! It was a pretty fun day. It was really hot,  rained a bit and we got wet and stinky, but it was fun! I was exhausted when I got home. For my birthday, my parents got me a whole bunch of fruit from Whole Foods (which I asked for), a cool goofy skateboard figurine, my aunt got me a t-shirt, and my other aunt gave me money. 

Goofy Action Figure!

Went to Epcot.

Got my brother to do his first plank!

Tea Cups!! I felt like puking so bad after I got off this ride. I guess I'm not so good with the whole spinning really fast thing.

 Myra and Alberto before the teacup ride.

During the teacups. We were spinning as fast as we could spin the wheel.

Cool little mini town.

Went on the carousel!

The busts from the Haunted Mansion ride.

Cool statue.

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