Saturday, November 26, 2011

Being sick has it's ups!

Due to being sick this last week, I've had the opportunity to watch alot of movies. I saw the new Twilight (twice) and almost cried both times, which is kind of embarassing. Watched the Outsiders and cried when Johnny died. Watched Juno, the old version of The Bad News Bears, 4 Gilmore Girls Discs, 8 Crazy Nights, and Going the Distance (which I also ended up crying for). I'm getting better now. No more sore throat or headache and I think I'm actually starting to get hungry! I haven't eaten in two days, which is insane! Another up to being sick is getting alot of sleep. Thanksgiving day I slept all day except for the few hours that I went to my uncle's house. Yesterday I also slept all day and today I slept until 2 in the afternoon. I think I'm good on sleep until the end of this semester!

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