Wednesday, November 23, 2011

blah blah blah

Today, for a second, I realized I really miss being in Arizona. I was only there for two weeks in my entire life, but it was super fun and I realized I really, really miss it. I smelled cigarette smoke today and I instantly felt like I was there. It was super weird. I miss the feeling of being in Arizona. I miss how the heat feels. I miss the night time summer heat. It's different than Florida heat. It's hard to explain, but Florida heat is sticky, and blah and feels different. It feels weird. Arizona heat feels better somehow. It's like a cozy blanket, sorta? I miss how stuff smells in Arizona. Arizona smells hot. Also hard to explain...The air just smells different there. It feels harder to breathe, kinda. But easier at the same time? Time feels different too. Days feel longer. It feels like you can get way more stuff done in a day. I don't even know what the crap I am saying... Guhh...Basically... I miss it.

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