Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wrestling Season Begins

Wrestling season has officially begun! Practice starts Monday. I can't wait to start wrestling again! I've missed coming home all sweaty and exhausted. I've missed that feeling of being completely sore and barely being able to move. I've missed working out in a hot wrestling room wearing 3 t-shirts and a hoodie. It sounds weird, but I miss having cotton mouth after a long practice. It just means I worked hard and had a good practice. I've missed the drilling and the running and the feeling of lacing up my wrestling shoes and stepping onto the mat. The only thing I'm not really looking foward to is cutting weight. I've never really had to cut weight to compete and this year I feel like I have to if I want to do well. I'm not competing until March, but I need to make 105 by the end of December, so I can worry less about cutting weight and worry more about technique and getting stronger.

Favorite snack until I cut to 105.

I like this video. It's really cool.

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