Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mapping out my week.

Today: Went to Lakeside for a short morning sesh. It was super fun! No one was there! The cement is super smooth and perfect! Now I'm doing homework/procrastinating. In about an hour I have to go to school to buy a book from this guy and then I'm off to Whole Foods for some fruit and then Metro for an evening sesh, which'll probably be cut a little short because the guy that owns it always closes early, but it'll give me a chance to get home early, do homework and actually get sleep before school tomorrow.

Wednesday: School from 7-noon. Laundry. Whole foods for some fruit. Vans til 10ish.

Thursday: I want to go to Tampa. Maybe. If not then Lakeside it is. Then I will try to do all my homework for all my classes for the rest of the semester. I have the complete syllabus for my Government class, so I can read through all the chapters, post all discussion responses and do all the quizzes. I can write my essay for Composition and do my speech for Speech class. I can also read the chapters for the last two modules in Sociology.

Friday: Work from 11 til whenever they need me. Then homework.

Saturday: Work. Homework.

Sunday: Work. Homework.

Monday: School from 7-12. Lakeside skatepark if it doesn't rain. Metro if it does. Homework.

Skating, school, and work make my weeks go by super fast!! It's great! Before I know it, it'll be summer again!

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