Monday, January 31, 2011


are good once every couple of months. Today was the fourth time this week. I've been to an asian one that has a sushi grill? (I don't know what grill has to do with sushi since it's raw) three times and once to Cici's. I love food, but there is definetly a point where too much is too much. I've reached that point. I don't want to look at food, smell food or make food. I think I'm over eating out for a while.

I guess nobody wanted a fortune.


Short Fingers

I went to the doctor with my uncle for a follow up on his finger. He got a piece of it ripped off at his job. I don't know why, but for some reason I couldn't stop laughing when I saw his finger. I wasn't laughing at the fact that he got hurt or at the fact that for the rest of his life his finger is going to have a missing piece. I think it was more of a nervous laugh. I laugh when I get nervous. All I could think about was how much it was going to hurt when they tried to take the stiches out.
It looks gross.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mind = Blown

Weird is a word thats going to be used alot in this post. Just a warning...
Its so weird to see people you see in skate videos and magazines in real life. Or to meet someone and then see them in stuff like that..its weird. I went to Arizona almost a month ago and it was like stepping into another world. Not really. But there were dudes I've only seen in magazines and photos and videos, just skating a local park and to me its just really weird to see. Its awesome, but wierd. What's even weirder is knowing that there's people that skate with them on a daily basis and it's not even weird to them. No big deal. The way I see it, to them it's just another dude that skates. It obviously is, they're just really, really good.
I think I'll always feel weird skating around dudes that are that good. I think if I lived and skated somewhere with dudes like that around all the time, I would stand around most of the time and just watch. I would hate to get in their way. Maybe I'd get used to it eventually. It would probably take a long time though.
One dude I saw on my trip was Marty Murawski at Tempe Park. First time I ever heard about him was watching Wednesdays with Reda. Seeing him skate in real's weird. So weird. Thats the only way I know how to explain it. Weird. Amazing. Awesome.

Another dude, Ryan Reyes. I saw that dude twice before I officially met him. Meeting him was so surreal. I shook his hand and seriously thought I'd wake up any second and be back home in Florida. My mouth got all dry and my face probably got all red. I think I almost forgot my name. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating, but meeting him was awesome enough to get a status update on facebook. That's saying something! I definetly have to say that RyRey has been one of my favorite skaters since I started skating and finally meeting him was insane. Seeing him skate in person was even more insane. Super starstruck everytime for sure.
I've watched this video soooo many times!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Semisonic - F.N.T.

I have watched 10 Things I Hate About You...I don't even know how many times. I lost track. I can easily say more than 15 times...Maybe more. I love the whole movie but my favorite parts are when Heath Ledger sings and when they go play paintball. I absolutely love it when boys sing. They could have the worst voice and I'd probably still enjoy it. The scene where heath and julia go play paintball looks like alot of fun. A blast. It looks alot less scary than regular paintball. I love the song that plays in that scene.... And now I'm going to bed because my ideas are all scattered and I can't figure out how to organize this post to make it sound like I'm not on drugs. I'm really not. I'm just tired.

I was singing this song super loud yesterday. My family looked at me like I was insane.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Everytime I start to think that Florida is a total poo hole and that I would rather be living somwhere else, Florida just throws a whole bunch of awesomeness at me out of nowhere. With the exception of the minor tornado warning the other day, the weather has been pretty awesome lately. Not too hot, not too cold. Not humid at all...preeetty perfect. Skys have been sunny. It feels like spring. I really can't complain. Not that I would, I'm just saying. I do miss friends and family and being able to skate when I please, but sometimes I think that missing that stuff, is what makes it so great to see them or have it again.

Skating these last couple of days has been insane. In a good way of course! I've been having the funnest time just messing around on a skateboard. Its always fun to skate with kids who don't care how good you are and don't take skating super serious. You learn so much more that way. You have more fun that way. 
For the last two days all I've eaten has been chocolate chip cookies, cake, and bread. Today I had 'real' food for the first time. Pizza. Twice. I went to this new place (new for me) named Flippers. They didn't sell slices so I had to settle for a personal pizza. I got a cheese one before I went skating. It was really good. After skating I went to my favorite pizza place in Florida. AL'S! I got the usual. Two slices of cheese. So so so good.
I got my car back today. Looks like new! It's great. Its cool to have my own transportation again. I felt really weird driving today for some reason. Kinda scared. I got over it pretty fast though.
Now for everything to be as close to perfect as it's realistically going to get, all I need is a job to help pay for gas...and skating...and my car...and insurance...and my phone...and food...and a trip to california...and to save up for school.... But lets not spoil the excitement of these last couple days with that minor downer. I think I'll be fine for another couple weeks.
Florida is actually turning out to be a pretty great place to live. Who woulda thunk?

I missed it..

I missed Throwback Thursday. It'll probably be the first of many I miss. Here's Throwwback Thursday-ish.

Tom Waits - I Hope That I Don't Fall in Love With You

This song is one of my favorites by Tom Waits. This and Grapefruit Moon.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Coping to the ribs one day = sore, bruised ribs the next. The day I don't laugh when I fall will be the day I quit skating.

Dr. Dog - Later

Lately I haven't had a care in the world. I've been living each day as it comes and trying not to stress about anything. I dont have a car right now, so if my parents go out and I decide I want to go, I just tag along. If I need a ride I ask for one. I go skate on the days I can skate for free. I wrestle on the days there's wrestling. I go to sleep at whatever time I want and wake up at whatever time I want. I don't really spend money so I dont really need money, which means I don't really need a job. I'll need money in a month to pay my car, but right now I'm fine without it.  I feel like instead of growing up and becoming more responsible, I'm just getting older and more irresponsible. Maybe irresponsible isn't the correct word. Irresponsible would be the perfect word but I feel like it has such a negative conotation.  Carefree. Happy-go-lucky. Slaphappy.  Lets just say I'm reverting back to little kid status. Its great.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cookie post!

I love cookies. I made a whole bunch today. I think I'm done baking for a while.

So many cookies!

You can never have too many chocolate chips.

 nom nom nom

 I try to limit myself to just one cookie.

This is my wonderful oven.

Patti Smith - Frederick

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

note to self

Don't drink ginormous quatities of water after eating a whole bunch of bread.

I have a rediculously huge stomach ache. I have chills going up and down my whole entire body. I feel like puking, but can never consciously puke. Too gross. My stomach ache is slowly turning into a stomache ache and headache combined. I definetly think eating a third of a pack of raw cookie dough this morning, contributed to this stomach ache. I might just end up dying tonight. oughhhhh.


I've been a baking fool today! I made chocolate chip cookies, biscuits and am making bread. The cookies were soft, gooey, and chocolatey and gone in five minutes. The biscuits are soft, cheesy, salty and just came out of the oven. As I type this, they are being devoured. I've had four so far. They are so good! The bread is still rising and wont be baked until later. I can't wait. 

Cheesy cheddar biscuits!

I'm going to bake this later today. I always switch out the blueberries for peaches or apples, because I never have bluberries. I'm going grocery shopping at 8 am (who needs sleep?) with my dad, so maybe this time I'll have blueberries. It always comes out really good anyway.  This too...maybe...if I have time. If they taste exactly like the ones at Red Lobster, I will be in heaven!! Holy guacamole, I can't wait!! So much for not eating bread for a while. I need more will power...or stuff to keep me busy and away from the kitchen.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The night sky tonight was really pretty.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I was gonna write a big, long spiel about how Bandages for the Heart, Lacrosse's 2009 album, is really, really good, but I'm not. Just enjoy this song. Or don't. But if you don't, you're missing out.

Ipod Ship

I renamed my ipod 'ship'. That way when my ipod is synching, it'll say "synching ship." I get to laugh everyday now.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ya no soy..

"Ya no soy la infantil creatura la inosencia se acabo
Ya no soy la de ese cuerpo extraño
Ahora siento el corazon."

Paper Lace - The Night Chicago Died

I love this song.

Friday, January 21, 2011

It's raining super hard where I live right now. I love it when it rains at night. My dog hates it. She just crawled into my bed and is laying on my leg. I wish I could take a picture.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Candid Camera

Chandler Skatepark, Arizona. Photo by Tim.

Raccoon Dog

My dog got me out of bed at 5:30 this morning. She was ripping up a garbage bag and eating all the food. When she saw me she ran. What a smart dog.

Throwback Thursday

When I was younger, like younger younger, I couldn't understand why my mom liked Dirty Dancing so much. I didn't see what was so great about people dancing and looking like they were about to start sucking face. Now I love this movie. I've seen it alot. I could watch it a million more times. Most people's favorite line in the movie is,"Nobody puts baby in a corner." Mine? "I carried a watermelon."

Baby I'm a Fool

Today I've been listening to alot of Melody Gardot. It's super different from all the other stuff I've been listening to lately. All the other stuff has been fast paced and loud, making me want to move. All of Melody Gardot's stuff is jazzy, slow and relaxing. The woman has a beautiful voice. Her songs make me want to just lay in bed and dream, mostly about stuff I really don't want to and probably shouldn't be thinking about yet. The future mostly. Stuff that won't happen for like a bajillion years.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My knee looks grozz!

I fell pretty hard skating about a week ago. My knees got all bruised up and a bit swollen. They got kinda better and then wrestling started. It's only my second day of wrestling and my knees are pretty much done. I don't think they can take much more abuse. There all swollen, painful and gross looking, especially my right one. I went to the doctor a couple weeks back for a check-up and they told me to start wearing knee pads and elbow pads when I skate. I laughed when they said that but I'm starting to think it might be a pretty good idea. Will it happen? Most likely it won't, but at least the idea is there. The plan? I'm going to take some acetaminophen before bed and ice my knee all night after I get home from Vans.

My knee is swollen and my legs are all bruised up.

I have an obsession with food.

I don't necessarily have an obsession with eating food, although I love doing that too. Wrestling kills the whole 'eat what you want' thing. It's more of an obsession with watching food being made, smelling food, looking at all the colors possible in a dish...Oh gosh. Food is just good. It's necessary, an essential. I could talk about food all day. If I had the time I could probably cook all day. There's just something satisfying about making something and being able to sit down and enjoy it. I could watch food being made all day. I want to end up marrying a dude that loves food and loves to cook and eat as much as I do. I think if it weren't for wrestling, I'd be rolling instead of walking right now. Wrestling makes it so I think twice about what I'm putting in my mouth. Once wrestling is over for good, I'll probably be in trouble.
I've been watching Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives alot lately. Just trying to catch up on missed episodes. One place I want to go eat at someday, maybe even this summer, is the Gaffey Street Diner. Everything looks so good and fresh! The french toast supreme looks heavenly! The biscuits and gravy...oh lawd!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wrestling practice was insanely fun. A little less intense than I remember it being, but still an awesome workout. I'm much slower than I used to be. Dropped two pounds in an hour and a half practice. At this rate I'll be wrestling 103 in no time! I'm probably going to be rediculously sore tomorrow. It's so good to be back.
103 Mark Grey (Blair Academy) vs. Nick Barber (St. Edwards)

Wrestling Videos on Flowrestling

First day

of wrestling practice is finally here! I got my wrestling shoes just in time. They only had one pair in my size left. 103 here I come!

Brand new wrestling shoes.

I love this picture.

Buenos Nachos

Tomorrow is a big day. Pfft. Not really, but I have to wake up early so I need my sleep. None of that "three hours of sleep is fine" crap. I'm leaving you all with this little ditty. See you later. Enjoy.

Dalton Dern is

really good at skating. Just watch the video. You'll see for yourself.

I got caught on camera @ 5:37, doing what I do best: Talking. I kid, I kid. Doing what I do worst.

138 days until...

the first day of summer camp! Yay!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I've been super into watching movie trailers lately. I probably won't watch half the movies, but watching the trailers is still cool. I saw the the trailer for Food, Inc. a while back and again tonight. I definetly think this is one film I want to watch.

Red Lobster Food Baby

I went to Red Lobster yesterday, meaning Saturday, for my Mom's b-day which is today. The food was sooo good!  My favorite part about Red Lobster is their cheddar bay biscuits. Der da best! I think I had like ten of them.
I was really hungry. I've been living off of apples, grapes and water for the past week with a couple bananas and peaches thrown in. I almost forgot how much cutting weight for wrestling sucks. Almost. I ended up eating my plate, half my mom's plate, and a giant piece of chocolate cake and ice cream. So good! My mom and dad joke that I'll be alive for another week with everything I ate today. They think I don't enough on a daily basis. Haha truth is I probably don't. Big whoop. Anywayzz.. Crummy cell phone pics? I got em.

I got what I always get. Ultimate feast.
Portion sizes are definetly getting smaller as the years go by.

Chocolate cake and ice cream!
It looks like a black blob in the picture, but in real life it looked like a delicious, gooey masterpiece.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I've been without my car for the past two days and am without it til Tuesday. I got into an accident and it's in the shop getting the doors fixed. Having to ask someone to take you somewhere or wait for them to pick you up is the worst. I think the only good part is getting to sleep in the car. My dad's van doesn't have seats in the back, so I've made a little bed and get to take a nap on my way to wherever I'm going.

This Morning

I woke up to my mom blasting the Mamma Mia movie Soundtrack. It was great. I love that movie. I've seen it like ten times. One night I saw it four times in a row.

This part of the movie makes me tear up every time.

Friday, January 14, 2011

I quit my job today. What a relief.  Back on the hunt for employment.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Throwback Thursday

First Throwback Thursday ever and it's not even that much of a throwback. It kind of is.  I was 6 when 3eb's first album came out.  Its so hard to pick a favorite song on this album. I like them all. If I had to pick a favorite or two favorites, I think it would be a tie between Motorcycle Driveby and Semi-Charmed Life.

How's it Going to Be - Third Eye Blind
I really, really, really don't want to go to work today. I need to find one of those jobs where I won't mind going to work everyday.

Wrestling practice starts soon

It starts on Tuesday for me. 6pm. I've been watching a whole heap of wrestling videos trying to get back in the mindset. I need wrestling shoes. I left both pairs of my old wrestling shoes in Utah. I definetly didn't think I would be wrestling in Florida. I can honestly say I'm terrified to wrestle again. I don't think I've ever been so scared to do something. I haven't wrestled or worked out in months. I'm scared I won't be able to keep up or that I won't be able to wrestle like I used to. Or that I won't be strong enough. I'm scared my ankles and knees won't be able to stand the beating they get at wrestling practices. My knees are already swollen and in pain. Maybe pounding them on a wrestling mat for an hour and a half will be too much. I keep telling myself its dumb to be scared. If I can wrestle, I will and if I can't then theres always skateboarding to keep me busy. I don't think my brain wants to process that though because no matter how many times I tell myself that, I'm still scared.

David Taylor is one of the nicest, down to earth wrestlers. He hasn't let his success get to his head. This match is super old, but it is definetly one of my favorites.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I was cleaning out my room today and found a whole bunch of Green Day cds. I listened to them all day. I remember when I was younger I would sneak into my big brother's room almost everyday, when he was at work and "borrow" his cds. He had cases and cases of cds. I always tried to remember to put them back. I guess there were a couple times where I forgot and he didn't notice. Thank goodness.
I saw this movie again tonight. I can honestly say I could've spent the whole day watching this and I still would've wanted to keep watching it. Definetly one of my favorite movies. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Don't look straight ahead, look to the side
Just keep me in the corner of your eye
until it's time to go again."
I can't wait until I have kids.
I think I already posted this on one of my blogs. Its so good though. It has to be reposted. 

I want this someday.

Its terribly difficult to find someone that completely loves you for the person whom you are. Most of the time people make rediculous demands; they expect you to change the little bits of yourself to cater to their wishes.
What I think is, we all deserve someone, who will love the good, the bad, the disgusting, the weird bits and pieces about us - being late all the time, not knowing how to play sports properly, not having any talent in particular, being klutzy, the pms-y moments...
Thats someone worth keeping for the rest of your life.
I think I just found my favorite blog.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I have 15 minutes to eat whatever the fudge I want and there's nothing I want to eat more than cookies. There are no cookies in my house.
The hardest thing to do is leaving your comfort zone. But you have to let go of the life you’re familiar with and take the risk to live the life you dream about."
- T. Arigo                                          
Tumblr is a complete piece of poo sometimes.

M. Ward - Sad, Sad Song

My shirt smells like shit poo and right now I couldn't care less.
Took the words right outta my mouth bro.

First post of 2011. I think.

I think I'm back for a bit. Maybe. Tumblr is soooo much easier. Sometimes. When its not being a total dick and telling me servers are busy and shit. Anywayzzzz...I think I'll update both for a bit. And then quit. And then start again. And then quit again. Its a cycle.

I made new years resolutions. Now I'm posting them on this blog. Maybe that'll help me keep them better? Who the fudge knows?

New Years Rezs

  1. Not make too many resolutions.
  2. Skate more.
  3. Eat pizza at least once a month.
  4. Get healthy.
  5. Drive to California and figure out my future place of residence.
  6. Learn heelflops.
Done. Resolution numba 1 accomplished. 5 more to go.
Edit -  I definetly think numba twee is good too. I think I had pizza everyday this past week. 

- Being healthy resumes tomorrow. Today its raining and I DGAF about anything. I will eat, eat, eat anything and everything and be super lazy today.

I think I'm adding a few more. 
        7-ish. Talk WAY more.