Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lately I haven't had a care in the world. I've been living each day as it comes and trying not to stress about anything. I dont have a car right now, so if my parents go out and I decide I want to go, I just tag along. If I need a ride I ask for one. I go skate on the days I can skate for free. I wrestle on the days there's wrestling. I go to sleep at whatever time I want and wake up at whatever time I want. I don't really spend money so I dont really need money, which means I don't really need a job. I'll need money in a month to pay my car, but right now I'm fine without it.  I feel like instead of growing up and becoming more responsible, I'm just getting older and more irresponsible. Maybe irresponsible isn't the correct word. Irresponsible would be the perfect word but I feel like it has such a negative conotation.  Carefree. Happy-go-lucky. Slaphappy.  Lets just say I'm reverting back to little kid status. Its great.

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