Monday, January 10, 2011

First post of 2011. I think.

I think I'm back for a bit. Maybe. Tumblr is soooo much easier. Sometimes. When its not being a total dick and telling me servers are busy and shit. Anywayzzzz...I think I'll update both for a bit. And then quit. And then start again. And then quit again. Its a cycle.

I made new years resolutions. Now I'm posting them on this blog. Maybe that'll help me keep them better? Who the fudge knows?

New Years Rezs

  1. Not make too many resolutions.
  2. Skate more.
  3. Eat pizza at least once a month.
  4. Get healthy.
  5. Drive to California and figure out my future place of residence.
  6. Learn heelflops.
Done. Resolution numba 1 accomplished. 5 more to go.
Edit -  I definetly think numba twee is good too. I think I had pizza everyday this past week. 

- Being healthy resumes tomorrow. Today its raining and I DGAF about anything. I will eat, eat, eat anything and everything and be super lazy today.

I think I'm adding a few more. 
        7-ish. Talk WAY more.

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