Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My knee looks grozz!

I fell pretty hard skating about a week ago. My knees got all bruised up and a bit swollen. They got kinda better and then wrestling started. It's only my second day of wrestling and my knees are pretty much done. I don't think they can take much more abuse. There all swollen, painful and gross looking, especially my right one. I went to the doctor a couple weeks back for a check-up and they told me to start wearing knee pads and elbow pads when I skate. I laughed when they said that but I'm starting to think it might be a pretty good idea. Will it happen? Most likely it won't, but at least the idea is there. The plan? I'm going to take some acetaminophen before bed and ice my knee all night after I get home from Vans.

My knee is swollen and my legs are all bruised up.

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