Saturday, December 31, 2011

Another Year...

Recap of what's been up this last year.

January- Went to Arizona for a week. Ate alot of pizza. Went vegetarian. Worked a crummy job.
February- Quit my job. Bummed around. Went to Guatemala.
March - Bummed around. Went to Vans every Wednesday.
April- Bummed around. Went to Vans every Wednesday. Car got repo-ed.
May- Went to NJ. My grandma died. Bummed around.
June/July- Went to camp for the next three months.
August- Camp wound down. Went to Arizona for a week. Headed back to Florida.
September- Started school again. Turned 21! Still haven't had a legal drink. Quit smoking.
October- Parents went to Guatemala. Got the house to myself for the next two months. Still in school.
November- Started working a crummy job. Still in school. Vans every Wednesday. Started skating Lakeside a couple times a week after school. Tito visited for a week. Had a blast that week.
December- No longer had house to myself. Got hurt wrestling, couldn't skate. Made enough to get to camp in the summer if I get to go. Quit crummy job. Semester ended, got good grades. Bummed around.

2012 hopefullys numbered:

1. Go to bed early. (11-ish)
2. Wake up early. (7-ish)
3. Get good grades. Nothing lower than an A-.
4. Get healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies. Make it to the raw food dinners six times. Exercise everyday, even if it’s just a 10 minute bike ride around the block. Get buff again. Get to the point where I am once again capable of doing 20 pull ups and 100 push ups without stopping.
5. Read a book every month.
6. Re-memorize all the state capitals. And then country capitals.
7. Relearn the bones in the body. Then muscles and ligaments and tendons. Once I successfully accomplish that, learn the organs and their locations. And then nerves. And then other stuff. Basically everything in the body, I want to know.
8. Go to Woodward.
9. Go to the doctor and dentist at least once. Get blood work done.
10. Start saving up for the move to California.

Hopefully alot less bumming around will be done this year.

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