Monday, December 26, 2011

The future is looking good!

I've been thinking alot about what I want to do career wise for a few years now and for the last couple of weeks I've really had a chance to weigh my options. I've have officially decided that I'm going to be a veterinarian. That has been the choice since the beginning, but somewhere along the way I started doubting that that was what I really wanted. Now I am sure. I am going to graduate from UCF hopefully by spring 2013 and then go to Western University in Pomona, CA. My cousin went there and she really liked the school. I think the fact that the school is in California might be the part I like the best. I'll be close to everything that I want to be close to. If I still like skating I'll be 2 1/2 hours from camp and super close to a whole bunch of skate parks. I'll be super close to the beach, which is awesome because I love the beach. I'll have super nice weather year round. And I'll be living in California which has been the plan for a while now. The future is looking good!

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